My shaky hands are problematic when trying to solder 0.5mm pitch parts. Consequently, I decided to build my own Solder-Reflow Oven in order to alleviate that issue. The principle is that you take a toaster oven and control its temperature in order to simulate an actual professional reflow oven. This is much safer than the skillet reflows..ect since you can regulate the heat inside the oven and ensure you never exceed any component max temperature ratings. One can achieve this by putting a switch inline with the voltage mains of the oven. Next, you simply turn the oven on and off as needed in order to control the temperature. Combine that with a thermocouple and you got yourself a basic control system.
Primary Features:
-MSP430G2553 MCU
-16×2 blue LCD display
-MAX31855KASA SPI cold compensator / thermocouple interface IC
Pics: (v2 = red pcb, v1 = green pcb)
Schematic: (click image to view full size)