Currently at NDSU, I’ve been aiding in developing an Embedded 2 class. For the class I attempted to develop a flexible and cheap dev board that could host numerous advance applications such as Ethernet and USB. A primary goal of this class would be dealing with advance embedded systems in a RTOS(Real Time Operating System) environment. This “Zallus dev board” has the following features:
Dev Board Features:
-LPC1768 ARM Cortex M3 MCU
-W5200 SPI based Ethernet Controller
-160×128 Color LCD Display
-2nd USB port hooked directly to the LPC1768 for more advance USB applications
-6 LEDs, 4 push buttons, 1 potentiometer
-NRF24L01 SPI Wireless Module
-Can be powered via USB or wall-wart plugin
-Micro is modular and thus can be easily replaced
-Raw part costs for these boards at quantity x10 is roughly 70 usd.
The board is compatible with the following IDE’s / JTAG Programers:
LPC Xpresso Board & Code Red IDE (+ FreeRTOS)
Ulink2 Programer & Keil IDE
Created using my DIY Toaster Reflow Oven
Pictures: (click for full size)